Welcome to Bench Fitness Centers new site!
Please take the time to browse all the features that are available for you to use freely with your membership! These new features of our site are:
- Schedules
- Shows the times and hours of classes, trainer times, and general operating hours
- Trainer Chat
- Need an answer to a question? Come in here and drop the Q's to our highly trained, highly motivated Perseronal Trainer staff!
- Articles
- All the hottest and latest articles written by our staff in order to assist you in your personal fitness goals!
- Journal
- This fancy little system allows for memebers to input the workouts that they did, and keep a log of it all for future reference! No workout plan should be without a journal!
- Pay Bills online!
- Can't get in on time to make that payment! No problem, simply pay online with credit card or pay pal! Other options available, see one of our staff members at one our front desks!